
About Me

Hi, My name is Christophe Anfry, I'm 40 and I'm a software developer. As a background, I worked for 15 years in hospitality. Then having my first child I decided that my shifts were not compatibles with parent lifestyle (was working during the night also). So I worked for the Google workspace customer service to have office and day shifts.

From there, at the age of 37, I started to get interested in web development. I didn't know which language to learn, so I started with HTML and CSS. I was fascinated by all the technologies and possibilities that this environement could procure. From there, I think I've made all the possible mistakes that a beginner can make (learning different languages or technologies at the same time, not creating any projects, tutorials hell...).

This blog it's one of my projects to become a frontend developer (or full-stack if possible, who knows 😉?) While I'm learning I share my experience with you and give you tricks I find along the way. It's quite a beginner approach but when you start it's very easy to get stuck, lost, and overwhelmed, so showing you what to do, what to focus on or what to learn, will give you a better structure and more motivation to succeed. And if you want more advanced features I'll always redirect you to the corresponding articles, videos, people to follow or we can discover it together.